Mighty Paw Hands totally free Bungee Leash review and discount coupon Code

What is Mighty Paw?

Mighty Paw is a company that designs top notch products that make it simpler (and much more fun) to be active with your dog.

My weimaraner Remy and I have been using the hands-free bungee leash from Mighty Paw for running and hiking. The leash comes in a 3-foot version and a 4-foot version and clips to a light-weight, resilient waist belt.

Mighty Paw hands totally free bungee leash review

My thoughts on the hands totally free bungee leash:

I did not expect to delight in using a hands totally free leash because I’m a stickler on keeping my dogs at a tight “heel” and keeping them under control.

However, I found it pleasurable and relaxing to use the hands totally free leash on rural hikes and runs with my weimaraner Remy. This leash keeps me focused on enjoying time with my canine without nagging at him or worrying about perfection.

Sometimes when I just let him do his own thing, he falls into a good pace at my side anyway. and if I need to get the leash for a moment, it’s still easy to do so.

I like using this leash for running in the country when there are not other dogs or people in our path. My puppy does not have proper leash manners yet so I don’t use this leash for walking (he pulls). You certainly could if you have a well-behaved dog.

We recently took a trip to Yosemite national Park, and I delighted in using the hands totally free leash for hiking with Remy.

What is the cost of the leash?

Use code MP20Mutt for 20% off anything in Mighty Paw’s store. Click here.

The hands totally free bungee canine leash starts at just $19.99. The cost goes up a bit depending on color or length.

The leash comes in either black or gray & green. There is a 3-foot version and a 4-foot version. I have the 3-foot gray & green version.


What’s distinct about the hands totally free leash?

I like how the bungee in the leash takes in the majority of the tension from Remy’s pulling, even if he darts in another direction. However, it preserves enough strength to keep him “reeled” in. (Specifically, the bungee has 14” of “spring.”) The nylon is also weather proof with reflective stitching for safety after dark.

The leash has a clip on each end so it’s easy to clip on and off the waist belt if you decide to use it as a regular leash or clip the leash around something as a short-term tie-out.

The waist band has two D-rings and the leash has a D-ring too so there’s lots of flexibility on what you can do.

Finally, if for some reason you’re not satisfied with the leash, Mighty Paw provides a 100% money back guarantee for 90 days.

Pros of the hands totally free leash:

High-quality and economical (starts at just $19.99)

Appealing colors

High-quality, lightweight yet durable

Holds up to strong pullers and dogs up to 100 pounds or so

Multi-purpose due to multiple clips and D-rings

Allows you to maintain proper running form

Gives you and your canine much more freedom while you’re running or hiking

Reflective stitching

Weatherproof material


With any hand-free leash, you certainly have less control of the dog.

The product does encourage my high-energy weimaraner puppy to pull.

Would I purchase this leash?

Yes. I never thought I would appreciate a hands totally free leash because, like I said, I’m firm on making my dogs heel. However, this leash amazed me. I really delight in using it with Remy for running and hiking in the country, and the price is affordable.

Would I recommend the leash to others?

Yes, if you’re searching for a hands totally free leash for running, hiking or even walking, this is a top notch product I highly recommend.

Use code MP20Mutt for 20% off anything in Mighty Paw’s store.


Giveaway – Win a totally free hands totally free leash and padded canine collar

Mighty Paw is giving away a totally free hands-free bungee canine leash and a padded canine collar to three lucky readers of That Mutt. *The winners have been selected.

प्रवेश गर्नु:

Just fill out the giveaway form below (Rafflecopter) and follow the easy entry options such as leaving a comment or signing up for Mighty Paw’s email list.

(Anyone signed up for the $7/mo reward or higher on Patreon will immediately be entered into this giveaway.)

I’ll choose 3 winners at random on Saturday Dec. 10 and announce the winners in that Mutt’s email on Sunday. sign up for That Mutt’s training emails here.

Does your canine want in on the drawing?

Let me know in the comments!

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